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What You Should Never Say to a Car Insurance Company

Jun 26, 2023

Loose Lips Can Sink Your Car Accident Injury Claim

As personal injury attorneys in Colorado Springs, the first thing we try to impress upon our clients is that there are things you should never say to a car insurance company.

You see, you’re not “in good hands” with the person on the other end of the phone, and they’re not your “good neighbor.” Instead, they want to pay you little or nothing for the losses you incurred in your accident. And they can and will use your words against you to do so.

If you speak with or try to negotiate a car accident settlement with the other driver’s car insurance company by yourself and without a lawyer, there’s a good chance that you’ll say or do something you’ll regret.

As such, there are two things you should never say to a car insurance company and one thing you absolutely should.

NEVER say:

“I’m sorry. It was my fault.

“I accept your settlement offer. Where do I sign?”


“Here is my lawyer’s name and contact information. Please direct all communications to them.”

When you understand how car insurance companies operate and what their goals are, you’ll understand why these are things you should never say to a car insurance company, why you should never personally engage in discussions with the other driver’s insurer, and why you should hire an experienced car accident attorney to do so on your behalf.

Your Insurer May Be “On Your Side,” But The Other Driver’s Car Insurance Company Definitely Is Not

The negligent driver who caused your accident likely has a car insurance policy with liability coverage just as you do and as Colorado law requires. Liability coverage aims to compensate others for any damage, losses, or injuries the insured driver causes.

After an accident, you’ll let your insurance company know about the crash, and the other driver will do the same with their insurance company. Each insurer will want to know the other driver’s name, contact, and insurance information, which is why you exchange such information at the scene of the accident. One thing you should never say to a car insurance company or anyone else after your accident is an apology or any other statement that could be construed as admitting that the accident was your fault. That information will make its way to the insurance company, which will gladly use it to deny that they owe you anything.

Related Reading: Is Apologizing the Same as Admitting Fault in a Car Accident?

Never Say “Yes” to a Car Insurance Company’s Settlement Offer

Always remember that insurance companies are in the money-making business. Every dollar a car insurance company pays out in claims to an injury victim is a dollar that cuts into their profits. That’s why the other driver’s insurer wants to pay you as little as possible. And they will do everything they can to make that happen.

After your accident, the other driver’s insurer will want to try to resolve your claim quickly by making you a settlement offer far lower than what you deserve or what you could get at a trial. The insurer knows you have bills to pay and the paychecks you aren’t earning as you recover from your injuries. They know you need money and that an offer of quick cash can be very tempting.

They also know that you may not fully understand your rights or may trust them to treat you fairly. Insurers will use this knowledge to manipulate you and convince you that you either don’t have a valid claim or that your claim is worth nothing.

That is why you should never say to a car insurance company that you accept any offer they make without first speaking with a car accident lawyer. If you accept the insurer’s settlement, not only are you getting far less money than you could or should, but you are also giving up any right to file a personal injury lawsuit or recover any additional compensation. If you were to discover later that your injuries were much more severe (and medical costs more significant) than you thought when you signed the settlement, you would be entirely out of luck.

As part of their efforts to nickel and dime you, the insurer may try to trick you into making a statement or admission, which could hurt any personal injury suit you may want to file. That is why you should never say anything about the accident to the other driver’s insurance company.

Why You SHOULD Say “Speak To My Lawyer”

KB 2 things to never say to a car insurance company and what to say instead

The insurance company lawyer handling your claim negotiates cheap settlements all the time. That’s their job, and it’s a lot easier for them when the person they’re dealing with isn’t an experienced and aggressive lawyer who won’t be tricked or bullied by their tactics. That is why of all the things you should never say to a car insurance company, the one thing you should always say is, “Speak to my lawyer.”

Once the injury victim retains an excellent personal injury attorney, the insurer knows they will have a fight on their hands and knows that a lowball settlement offer won’t cut it.

Statistics show that having a lawyer negotiate with a car insurance company usually means more money in an injury victim’s pocket. In fact, car accident settlements for injury victims who had an attorney were 40 percent higher than those negotiated by the victims.

Call King & Beaty Today For Your Free Consultation

At King and Beaty, our extensive experience as car accident lawyers has taught us much about how insurance companies operate. We know what you and your attorneys should never say to a car insurance company, and we know how to negotiate with them to get you the best settlement possible for your injuries.

Schedule your free personal injury consultation today. We welcome the opportunity to help you get the compensation you deserve.